Fish Pirates Spotted in Icelandic Waters 23. júní 2006 10:45 Borgarstjórn fyrsti fundur nýs meirihluta Framsóknarflokkur og Sjálfstæðisflokkur Vilhjálmur Þ. A total of eight fishing pirate ships were spotted in Icelandic waters in the southwest Reykjaneshryggur area yesterday. The Icelandic Coast Guard plane Synar spotted the ship Ulla, from Georgia, apparently being dragged on a tow line by Panama's Polestar, a ship already on the blacklist. Also in company were other ships from Georgia and one from Honduras. Upon being spotted, the captain of Polestar reportedly disconnected his tow line with Ulla and turned back. As Iceland has no standing military, all the coast guard can do is report pirate ships to international maritime authorities. - pfn News News in English Mest lesið Umboðsmaður Alþingis óskar svara frá Útlendingastofnun Innlent Linda Dröfn á lista BBC um 100 áhrifamestu konur heims Innlent Stígarnir fá falleinkunn hjá hjólafólki Innlent Vaktin: Myndun nýrrar ríkisstjórnar Innlent Fagna þotunni sem markar tímamót í sögu Icelandair Innlent Niðurbrotin eftir synjun og segir afkomuótta blasa við næstu mánuði Innlent Leggja drög að ákæru á hendur forsetanum Erlent Afturkalla átta friðlýsingar Innlent Fjárhagsáætlun samþykkt eftir ellefu tíma umræður Innlent Lítill arfur á barnsaldri dró dilk á eftir sér Innlent
A total of eight fishing pirate ships were spotted in Icelandic waters in the southwest Reykjaneshryggur area yesterday. The Icelandic Coast Guard plane Synar spotted the ship Ulla, from Georgia, apparently being dragged on a tow line by Panama's Polestar, a ship already on the blacklist. Also in company were other ships from Georgia and one from Honduras. Upon being spotted, the captain of Polestar reportedly disconnected his tow line with Ulla and turned back. As Iceland has no standing military, all the coast guard can do is report pirate ships to international maritime authorities. - pfn
News News in English Mest lesið Umboðsmaður Alþingis óskar svara frá Útlendingastofnun Innlent Linda Dröfn á lista BBC um 100 áhrifamestu konur heims Innlent Stígarnir fá falleinkunn hjá hjólafólki Innlent Vaktin: Myndun nýrrar ríkisstjórnar Innlent Fagna þotunni sem markar tímamót í sögu Icelandair Innlent Niðurbrotin eftir synjun og segir afkomuótta blasa við næstu mánuði Innlent Leggja drög að ákæru á hendur forsetanum Erlent Afturkalla átta friðlýsingar Innlent Fjárhagsáætlun samþykkt eftir ellefu tíma umræður Innlent Lítill arfur á barnsaldri dró dilk á eftir sér Innlent