Immigrants in Iceland better students 27. júní 2006 11:07 Ægisborg. Leikskólinn 25 ára. Borgarstjóri á svæðinu. Börn, krakkar, leikskóli, leika, gaman, sumar, syngja Immigrants in Iceland and Sweden seem to be much better students than other immigrant students in Scandanavia, according to a PISA assessment. PISA is the Program for International Student Assessment of the OECD countries. These findings were announced recently in Oslo. Júlíus K Björnsson, chairman of The National Centre for Educational Materials says these findings are not 100% conclusive due to the low amount of immigrants in Iceland compared to the other Nordic countries, and that most of our immigrants tend to be from European countries, therefore they tend to cope better with subjects such as English. -mld News News in English Mest lesið Linda Dröfn á lista BBC um 100 áhrifamestu konur heims Innlent Umboðsmaður Alþingis óskar svara frá Útlendingastofnun Innlent Stígarnir fá falleinkunn hjá hjólafólki Innlent Vaktin: Myndun nýrrar ríkisstjórnar Innlent Fagna þotunni sem markar tímamót í sögu Icelandair Innlent Niðurbrotin eftir synjun og segir afkomuótta blasa við næstu mánuði Innlent Leggja drög að ákæru á hendur forsetanum Erlent Afturkalla átta friðlýsingar Innlent Fjárhagsáætlun samþykkt eftir ellefu tíma umræður Innlent Lítill arfur á barnsaldri dró dilk á eftir sér Innlent
Immigrants in Iceland and Sweden seem to be much better students than other immigrant students in Scandanavia, according to a PISA assessment. PISA is the Program for International Student Assessment of the OECD countries. These findings were announced recently in Oslo. Júlíus K Björnsson, chairman of The National Centre for Educational Materials says these findings are not 100% conclusive due to the low amount of immigrants in Iceland compared to the other Nordic countries, and that most of our immigrants tend to be from European countries, therefore they tend to cope better with subjects such as English. -mld
News News in English Mest lesið Linda Dröfn á lista BBC um 100 áhrifamestu konur heims Innlent Umboðsmaður Alþingis óskar svara frá Útlendingastofnun Innlent Stígarnir fá falleinkunn hjá hjólafólki Innlent Vaktin: Myndun nýrrar ríkisstjórnar Innlent Fagna þotunni sem markar tímamót í sögu Icelandair Innlent Niðurbrotin eftir synjun og segir afkomuótta blasa við næstu mánuði Innlent Leggja drög að ákæru á hendur forsetanum Erlent Afturkalla átta friðlýsingar Innlent Fjárhagsáætlun samþykkt eftir ellefu tíma umræður Innlent Lítill arfur á barnsaldri dró dilk á eftir sér Innlent