Citywide Clean-up Operation Begins 13. júlí 2006 17:02 Sólarlag í Reykjavík Jónsmessa miðnætursól sumar í Reykjavík Mynd úr einkasafni Vilhelms Hexa A citywide beautification campaign, "Put on Gloves for Reykjavík", has begun in the eastern part of the city, and will officially begin across the town on 22 July at 11:00. The plan is to encourage city residents to volunteer to pick up litter, lay down turf, fix fences and other operations in various neighbourhoods. While normally city employees are responsible for this sort of work, every-day residents are asked to take part. News News in English Mest lesið Ekki allir sammála um magn jólaskreytinga eða litaval Innlent Hægri hönd Selenskís kynnist Trump-liðum Erlent Háskólafólk mótmælir gjaldtöku á nemendur utan EES Innlent Launmorð á götum New York Erlent Konfektið í hæstu hæðum Innlent Þessi voru oftast strikuð út í Reykjavík Innlent Bankarnir of bráðir í vaxtahækkunum Innlent Auðjöfur og einkageimfari mun stýra NASA Erlent Vaktin: Myndun nýrrar ríkisstjórnar Innlent Plötusnúður fagnar sigri gegn Reyni Traustasyni Innlent
A citywide beautification campaign, "Put on Gloves for Reykjavík", has begun in the eastern part of the city, and will officially begin across the town on 22 July at 11:00. The plan is to encourage city residents to volunteer to pick up litter, lay down turf, fix fences and other operations in various neighbourhoods. While normally city employees are responsible for this sort of work, every-day residents are asked to take part.
News News in English Mest lesið Ekki allir sammála um magn jólaskreytinga eða litaval Innlent Hægri hönd Selenskís kynnist Trump-liðum Erlent Háskólafólk mótmælir gjaldtöku á nemendur utan EES Innlent Launmorð á götum New York Erlent Konfektið í hæstu hæðum Innlent Þessi voru oftast strikuð út í Reykjavík Innlent Bankarnir of bráðir í vaxtahækkunum Innlent Auðjöfur og einkageimfari mun stýra NASA Erlent Vaktin: Myndun nýrrar ríkisstjórnar Innlent Plötusnúður fagnar sigri gegn Reyni Traustasyni Innlent