London Flights on Schedule 11. ágúst 2006 10:22 setuverkfall starfsmanna IGS, dótturfélags icelandair í leifsstöð. Flights from Iceland to London are on schedule today after heavy delays yesterday due to terrorist threat and the arrest of alleged terrorists. Because of heightened security at Keflavík International Airport, travellers are requested to show up early to check-in and security check-points, it is also requested that hand luggage will be kept at minimum. Travellers should know that all luggages will be checked in, including hand luggage. Travellers to the United States are requested not to carry any fluids in their hand luggage, including water, sodas, alcohol, perfumes and so on. Shampoo, toothpaste and hair gel is also banned. Exempt from the ban is milk for babies, insulin and necessary medication. News News in English Mest lesið Ekki allir sammála um magn jólaskreytinga eða litaval Innlent Hægri hönd Selenskís kynnist Trump-liðum Erlent Háskólafólk mótmælir gjaldtöku á nemendur utan EES Innlent Launmorð á götum New York Erlent Konfektið í hæstu hæðum Innlent Bankarnir of bráðir í vaxtahækkunum Innlent Þessi voru oftast strikuð út í Reykjavík Innlent Auðjöfur og einkageimfari mun stýra NASA Erlent Vaktin: Myndun nýrrar ríkisstjórnar Innlent Plötusnúður fagnar sigri gegn Reyni Traustasyni Innlent
Flights from Iceland to London are on schedule today after heavy delays yesterday due to terrorist threat and the arrest of alleged terrorists. Because of heightened security at Keflavík International Airport, travellers are requested to show up early to check-in and security check-points, it is also requested that hand luggage will be kept at minimum. Travellers should know that all luggages will be checked in, including hand luggage. Travellers to the United States are requested not to carry any fluids in their hand luggage, including water, sodas, alcohol, perfumes and so on. Shampoo, toothpaste and hair gel is also banned. Exempt from the ban is milk for babies, insulin and necessary medication.
News News in English Mest lesið Ekki allir sammála um magn jólaskreytinga eða litaval Innlent Hægri hönd Selenskís kynnist Trump-liðum Erlent Háskólafólk mótmælir gjaldtöku á nemendur utan EES Innlent Launmorð á götum New York Erlent Konfektið í hæstu hæðum Innlent Bankarnir of bráðir í vaxtahækkunum Innlent Þessi voru oftast strikuð út í Reykjavík Innlent Auðjöfur og einkageimfari mun stýra NASA Erlent Vaktin: Myndun nýrrar ríkisstjórnar Innlent Plötusnúður fagnar sigri gegn Reyni Traustasyni Innlent